Minutes for July 14, 2016

Minutes for July 14, 2016

Date: July 14, 2016
Location: Conservation Employees' Credit Union Auditorium, Jefferson City, MO
Time: 9:30 a.m.
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 9:30 a.m.
2. Welcome and Introductions

Missouri Spatial Data Information Service Tim Haithcoat—present
USGS Shelly Silch—excused
OA ITSD GIS Tracy Schloss—excused
SEMA Debbie Briedwell—excused
MoDOT Joe Carter—present
OA ITSD Economic Development Colin Duewell—present
OA Budget and Planning Matt Hesser—excused
Missouri National Guard Wiley Howell—present
OA-ITSD Health and Senior Services Andy Hunter—present
Department of Conservation Tony Spicci, Past-chair—excused
OA-ITSD Revenue
Missouri Dep’t of Natural Resources Michael Weller—telephone
Washington University in St. Louis Aaron Addison—telephone
Sanborn Mapping Brad Arshat—telephone
SEMO RPC Stan Balsman—absent
Wilson & Co. Eric Cenovich—present
USDA-NRCS Marty Comstock—telephone
Surdex Tim Donze, Treasurer—present
MOREnet David Drum, Secretary—present (proxy for Spicci)
US ACE St. Louis Michael Gawedzinski—excused
City of Columbia Matt Gerike—present (proxy for White)
Camden County Jennifer Gordon—present
Northwest Missouri State University Ming-Chih Hung—telephone
Cole County Melissa Johnson, Chair—present
City of Lee's Summit Steve Marsh—telephone
Woolpert, Inc. Kent Park—telephone
City of Jefferson Buster Schrage—present
MoRAP Diane True—telephone
City of Maryland Heights Andy Wagner—telephone
Boone County Jason Warzinik, Chair-elect—present
MU Extension Shannon White—excused
Other Attendees
Census Bureau Craig Best (telephone)
Latitude Geographics Jason Close (telephone)
DHSS Whitney Coffey
MSPS Jon Cole
Law Office of C. Dunn Chris Dunn (telephone)
St. Louis County Melisa McLean (telephone)
OGI Arnold Williams (telephone)

3. Approval of Minutes
June minutes available on the web site. Motion to approve from Donze, seconded by Warzinik, approved by vote.
4. MGISAC Administration
4.1 Missouri OGI Report — Tracy Schloss
Imagery Update: The update for this is that the review of the imagery is ongoing. In several instances, we have had to go back to the entities where we purchased imagery and get the imagery reprocessed in a different map projection, and in some cases different resolution so it fits into the rest of the state. The current contract for imagery was extended for 3 months, to finish up payment of the deliverables. A new contract for imagery for next year is with the contract group, with no other status to report on it.
ESRI Maintenance: This is in progress, with a list of new products to be added and updated pricing being exchanged between the contract group and ESRI. The goal is to not have any gaps from the end of the current MPA and the next fiscal year. Whether we manage this, it’s too close to call. I think everyone knows this by now, but the contract group is not allowing us to add professional services to the ESRI MPA. Their intent with this particular contract is to include just licenses, maintenance and training. Discussions about the possibility of a separate contract with ESRI to cover professional services is ongoing. It will be difficult in a lot of cases to get approval to define these services as ‘sole source’, since we all know there are other companies that do GIS consulting for ESRI products.
4.2 MSDIS report — Tim Haithcoat

  1. MSDIS budget and ramifications
    1. Mark Duewell position cut
    2. Who are the new contacts for what aspects
      1. Tim Haithcoat – Outreach, inventory, and planning
      2. Tom Vought – Data intake, keywords, metadata, posting, and design
      3. Martin Wills – Posting, hardware/software, backup, list servers, and implementation
  2. S&T off site back-up hardware moved to Kansas City – waiting to get racked before testing of the new site can be accomplished
  3. Have SSL certificates for our ArcGIS services (https:)
    1. With new security change at the State (evidenced by Debbie Briedwell) we are in the process of moving to an SFTP as well as having all links to an SSL (https:) for MSDIS site
  4. MSDIS representation at MAGIC Clearinghouse meeting (August 23-24) will be Tom Vought
  5. Will be presenting more metrics-based reports for MSDIS monthly reports. Currently having internal discussions on what we will be collecting and how we will be reporting on these elements.
  6. Moving to ArcGIS v10.4.1. First implementation will be made on Kansas City site once verified. We have been told it should be a ‘simple in-place upgrade’ but we will see.
  7. In the coming months MSDIS will be holding internal discussions concerning the development of a new Operational Plan for MSDIS.

4.3 Treasurer's report — Tim Donze

Previous balance   $33,741.42
Income None $0.00
Expense Lunch Metadata Workshop $224.93
Expense Flowers $67.98
Ending balance   $33,448.51

4.4 Membership report — Tony Spicci
Status of new member Wilson & Co. represented by Eric Cenovich. Discussion. Wilson & Co. accepted by vote.
New representative for DHSS, Andy Hunter.
4.5 By-laws — Joe Carter
Intend to add an amendment stating that voting can be dispensed with in uncontested elections.
5. Project Updates/Action Items
No items
6. Committee Reports
6.0 Service Recognition — Tim Donze
Working on something memorable for Mark Duewell.
6.1 Data Development — Jason Warzinik
[Handout provided. This is the text of the handout.] Continuing to work to formalize our committee’s efforts using the idea of themes: 1) Imagery 2) LiDAR, and 3) NG- 911/Addressing and identify a leader (or two) for each our committee.
Imagery (Tim/Tony): Eastern Imagery QAQC is underway and is currently at 26% – if interested in volunteering, contact Arnold or Tracy. STL also has QAQC underway and is currently 19.5% and MARC will be starting their QAQC next week.
NAIP is 71% flown with the south central quadrant remaining.
LiDAR(Marty): The 2017 3DEP (LiDAR Cost Share) BAA will be released soon. Below [in the handout] is the general timeline; interested parties please contact Jason or Shelley for more information.
NG-911 (Buster): Attended FirstNet meeting. Nationwide broadband system that allows for government agencies to communicate during events, overriding unofficial use. First contract will be laid out in November. There will be an opt-in/out decision afterward by the Governor’s office. Have a packet of documentation that was emailed. Will put on the MGISAC web site.
Mo-National Address Database (Jason): Work continues in support of the National Address Database. US DOT has released a minimum data schema and participation is growing at a national level. We are currently targeting counties of high population with emails going out to addressing authorities as contacts are made and most have replied with support of the effort and either attached their addresses or provided a URL download link. Looking at doing a webinar at the end of August to get everyone updated on the US DOT and US Census address effort and the progress and steps forward here in MO.
6.2 Local Government — Melissa Johnson
Met yesterday. Finalized spatial data availability and distribution issues. Finished 2014 survey and began discussing 2016 survey. Working to have something ready by the 2017 Missouri GIS conference. Gerike: very different group of responders between 2012 and 2014 surveys. Trying to keep core questions the same for longitudinal trends. Johnson: will focus a lot more on public safety issues and standards in the next survey. Discussion.
6.3 Education — Shannon White
MO GIS Higher Education Meeting reminder email will go out again but this is an important topic that we need to bring the education committee together.
Drone camp starts Sunday (thank you to the MGISAC support) We will send out emails!
Also I presented about our Missouri Giant Floor map using an Esri Storymap : http://arcg.is/28VdDKv
Lastly don’t forget – GeoMentors – we need to sign up more in Missouri willing to go to schools and do a presentation or activity (I am gathering some resources for helping folks out)
6.4 Outreach — Tim Donze
The metadata workshop held in St. Charles on June 15th was a success with a near capacity crowd. Thanks to Monica Moreno and Chuck Lovelace for their leadership and assistance with hosting the event, MO Mappers for sponsoring with us, as well as Mark Duewell for teaching.
Registration for the 2016 SEMO GIS Symposium is now open. While it is in the early phase, we have had almost 20 sign up already. The date is September 21st. Agenda and registration here.
With Mark’s departure, your ideas for upcoming workshops or outreach efforts are welcome and encouraged. I plan to reach out to the RPCs for local input regarding interest in having a regional event.
I’m hoping to recruit someone to teach future Metadata Workshops since we have a curriculum in place and build on the success of the St. Charles event.
6.5 Marketing and Communications — Jason Warzinik
No report
6.6 Policy and Legislation — Aaron Addison
HB1956 is dormant with no action scheduled. Some committee amendments were put forward but had no action. Dunn: Warrenton case was rejected by the Supreme Court.
6.7 Strategic Planning — Matt Gerike
No report
6.8 Missouri GIS Conference — Steve Marsh and Melissa Johnson
Intent to have committee meet on the 22nd or 25th; will poll committee members regarding availability. Need a new Social chair given Mark Duewell’s departure.
6.9 Emergency Preparedness — Debbie Briedwell
Busy with weather/flooding response. Howell: since the next survey will have a preparedness theme, perhaps the Emergency Management committee would want to contribute.
6.10 NG911 — Buster Schrage
No report
7. Liaison Reports
7.1 MAGIC Consortium — Steve Marsh
Just learned that the 2016 conference was in the black. Will be able to fund our regular two-year cycle. Executive committee will meet this fall. Seeking input about what MAGIC should be doing. New officers as of July 1. Was Treasurer; now Director-at-Large. Paula Lemke is the new Treasurer.
7.2 National States Geographic Information Council — Tony Spicci
No report
8. Cooperating Agency/Organization Reports
8.1 NRCS — Marty Comstock
Still waiting to post GIS position
8.2 USGS — Shelley Silch
No report
8.3 Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership — Diane True
No report
8.4 Missouri Mappers Association — Melissa Johnson
Looking forward to conference coming up August 9-12. missourimappers.org
8.5 Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors — Jon Cole
No legislation
9. Round table Discussion
Howell: GIS Technician position posted but with the wrong description. Position closes on July 20th.
Johnson: Have done a few installations of ArcGIS 10.4.1. Have had a few issues connecting to ArcSDE. There’s an additional connector installation required; watch for this.
Schloss: On call now; any questions for me?
Howell: question about approved vendors and ability to write in some flexibility. Discussion about state procurement and similar contracts that have this flexibility. Discussion about how to reach smaller vendors.
10. Next meeting: Thursday, August 11, 2016, 9:30 a.m., Conservation Employees' Credit Union Auditorium, Jefferson City, MO
Motion to adjourn by Gerike, seconded by Carter. Meeting adjourned at 10:57 a.m.

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